Aim of the project is, Bahçelievler Municipality to educate and train the unemployed local youth and ensure that they are employed in the sector that they will be trained on by the support of NSEV and PROMOTURK. Municipality targeted 200 young unemployed inhabitants to get training on ''promotional products sales and marketing'' and ''computerized accounting'' .
Completing the occupational tarining programme, Promoturk will organize activities to promote the succesful trainees to it's 100 members, and with the support of the project's career center, trainees will be placed in the Promotional products sector. With this project we expect to find alternative solutions to the unemployment problem in Turkey with an EU approach during the EU accession talks.
This exercise targets the unemployed youth within Bahçelievler municipality district in İstanbul Turkiye. The most important outcome of the project will be the rehabilitation of the unemployed youth and helping them to better their social and economic environment.
Transformation of the targeted unemployed youth to qualified manpower with the occupational education and trai ning will not only lead to enhancing their interpersonal skills bu also will lead to positive changes and improvements within their social circles and families. In conjunction with the success of the project there will be rising interest among the target group to similar projects.
The success of the project will set an excellent example to the solid outcome of EU supported , Government University - Real Sector Association - Local Authority partnership.
Anouther expected outcome of the success of this project will be its positive effect on the BAHÇELİEVLER MUNICIPALITY habitants.